Friday 4 January 2013

Thursday Early morning show on YouTube of Les Choristes"
A classy film, which bends on high-able background score, and less involve of female characters in the movie, that’s true film to watch for me.

Some fine performance by all the characters, loved it and freshness in the all characters.

Top class performance from the character Mathieu, (still I remember the character name, that’s effect on me, I have seen this movie back down to two days ago, and I still wet the characters of the movie.

The movie does not any location, completely runs in board school, and spells on life of wayward children in the boarding school.  Character of Principal, true sense to watch it, a brilliant performance from him, and other performance to be remind is characters of the children’s.
Technically, had top class, and big bow goes to the director Christophe Barratier, who made film look natural and got fine performance from lead roles. Combined on single location, never roomed to the boredom loop, well versed characters and especially the character of Music teacher, where the movie interprets on music choir line, is exploited brilliantly as backdrop of the story and full of great music and fine piece of short-telling.


Final word, a beautiful movie!

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